I also picked up a few key words - Guiding Principles, Qualitative and Quantitative, Items and SPSS. From yesterday's traffic-lights colours analogy I realised that 'Items' is a subset Scales. I got curious to what SPSS stands for and a search in the WIKI reviewed it means Statical Package for the Social Science. I have created this link to the WIKI.
Actually, the WIHIC instrument is very adaptable for us as trainers. It is a good measure to prompt us to improve the learning environment. One important thing that I learnt today is the ability to comprehend the various reports that others published. I am pleasantly surprised and will look forward to reading more of these literature.
1 comment:
I'm using the WIHIC instrument for my Quantitative research in Learning invironment...i also interested to read a lots the literature about it.If you got anything.....pls share with me....tq.
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